日本双生児研究学会 JSTS 公式ホームページ

日本双生児研究学会(JSTS:Japan Society for Twin Studies)公式ホームページ

第39回研究会開催のお知らせ 2019.3.11

第39回研究会開催のお知らせ 2019.3.11

日本双生児研究学会主催 第39回双生児研究会
『Future of Twin Research in Genetics and Epigenetics

2019年3月11日(月) 13:00-15:30
慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス 第1校舎 106番教室

安藤寿康  juko@biglobe.jp

演題: Using the discordant monozygotic twin design to study epigenetic contributions to neurodevelopmental disorders
講師: A/Prof. Jeffrey Craig
司会: 本多智佳(大阪大学)

慢性疾患のリスク要因として人生早期の環境とエピゲノムの役割を研究。これまでに双生児中心とした多くの縦断的コホート研究プロジェクトの立ち上げに携わる 。豪州国立保健医療研究評議会(NHMRC)予算による卓越した双生児研究拠点の主任研究者で国際双生児研究学会の現会長。広い意味で、ヒトと環境の相互作用が健康に及ぼす影響を研究テーマとする。
Abstract: The discordant monozygotic twin design is used to control for genetics and shared environmental factors in studies of the origins of human disease. It also highlights the effects of nonshared factors that most likely exert their effect before birth. This presentation will cover a program of research using this model to look at epigenetic contributions to neurodevelopmental disorders including cerebral palsy, epilepsy and autism. It will also discuss the use of such models to generate predictive biomarkers.

演題: Rethinking Twin Research: New Directions and Ideas in Genetics
講師: Dr. Kerry Jang
司会: 安藤寿康 (慶應義塾大学)

Abstract: Twin studies have demonstrated the importance of genetic factors in behaviour time and time again. Despite the importance of genes, it has been virtually impossible localize the genes themselves. This presentation will discuss some of the barriers to finding genes but also explore the idea that genes play a very different role in behaviour than previously thought and research should not longer focus on finding genes. These ideas are introduced and discussed.

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